NSFW! – Moms! Christians! Black Commentators! Feminists…we need to talk!


This is the new cover of Paper magazine. As with the post on Rhianna’s bottom, a woman’s exposed bottom is never just a woman’s exposed bottom.

There are so many thoughts on this one:

1. Our Queen?

Without doubt Ms Kardashian is reigning supreme as everything that represents a GENERAL modern mindset and the zeitgeist. – Like it or not. If aliens came down to earth today they’d ask to speak to our Queen Apparent, the person that millions appear to idolize and talk about the most – Ms Kardashian West. Are we all going to hell for allowing this to happen or should a girl be allowed to make her money in peace and buy shoes?

2. The Black Community

Will the black community appreciate more appropriation of their imagery and culture whilst a white person gets the credit (and the loot) for what they have been lambasted and denigrated for throughout the centuries?

3. The Feminists

Will feminists love this shot? (Cough! Sorry just choked on my own ridiculous words!) But hey, some feminists may interpret this as a woman’s freedom and choice? And then there’s the photoshopping…

4. The Artists

I love me some Jean Paul Goude who created this and some fantastic iconic imagery especially with Grace Jones, but is this something only artistic people can get behind? (Yep just noticed the pun!)



5. The Moms (and Pops)

Mothers may be up in arms with the ‘bad role models of our society’ angle, are you a Mom? What do you think? Is Ms Kardashian’s world stage and influence a concern for you?

6. The Bloggers

To my blogging pupils, forget the purposefully controversial image for a minute, the idea of ‘breaking the internet’ is a perfect analogy of how you should approach your articles if you wish to get (tons of) readers. Is it one you might follow?

7. The Christians

And then my Jesus loving Christians! How does this fireball conversation-starter image sit with you? Would Jesus in jeans today be mad or would He be at the shoot hanging with Ms Kardashian…’member the Bible and who Jesus chose to hang with there?


What say you?!

I’ve put the kettle on and filled the cookie jar… Bring it!


The NSFW pics can be seen here.

146 thoughts on “NSFW! – Moms! Christians! Black Commentators! Feminists…we need to talk!

  1. I don’t know why I haven’t been seeing your posts recently 😦
    Anyway – w/r to this one… this stunt just made me want to break my screen. Why oh why do women feel the need to do this in order to gain attention. It’s cheap (she did it for free as well), it’s sad and I just feel sorry for her daughter.

  2. So…there was this message on some random FB page…which I shared on my wall and it stated…”Let’s all acknowledge that a spacecraft landing on a comet is bigger news than champagne landing on Kim Kardashian’s ass” 😀 But, as I also mentioned while posting it…most people would probably find the comet’s posterior visually less attractive than Lady Kim’s “you know what”!
    And, as a friend quipped…next thing we know….she will be landing a comet on her derrière! 🙂
    Now, that would be one helluva Breaking Internet moment! 😀

    1. Forget all that! You can’t just turn up unannounced as if we spoke yesterday! DID YOU THINK YOU WERE GOING TO GET AWAY WITH THAT!?!! Did you think you could just sneak back in unnoticed after what…a year?! Two years!? Your poor mother! 🙂

      1. Hehehe…I was just trying my luck and hoping against hope…that you would not have noticed! And, don’t you exaggerate so much!! That’s my forte!!! 😀 Missed you too, Lady Ed!! 🙂 🙂

  3. Thanks for writing this post on WordPress and allowing me to find it. This however is an expression that Christians don’t follow period, but I’m compelled at the moment. Please respect that this is my opinion. As a woman I don’t feel jealous. I feel ashamed. I feel like she has given my power away to people I don’t want to have it. I feel like this feeds the negative energy for all women. Isn’t it bad enough that we suffer from the catcalling, the harassment’s, the rapes and the insatiable feed for some men already? Today’s world is different from yesterday. This can’t be accepted as art,because of the subject. The world does not view her as subjective. She has to know this. Why feed this type of energy? I feel like women with as much power as Mrs.West by now could do better. She is a beautiful woman, daughter of a King. I believe she could do positive things in the entertainment business. She is someone who could actually get things done in the industry for women of all degree. Isn’t life about progressing? Taking your clothes off in front of the world to express what? A selfish need for fame and money? Media hits???? REALLY! Wow, she does not desire much. I never see her smiling in photos unless she has her clothes off. What is that? She is married, correct? Bless her because other than Jesus someone truly loves her enough to accept this. I wonder if she sits deeply in her spouses love. And he does love her! She has a baby girl who watches, listens and covets every-single-thing in her surroundings. We baby girls impersonate our mommies when we’re young, don’t we? I wonder if she realizes it? Mrs. West’s life is her daughter’s life right now. Her daughter has no say, no choice in what her mother partakes in. GOD WILL CONTINUE TO BLESS HER because The Jesus I know would forgive her, so I will forgive her and pray that someday Mrs. West rises above this energy and shows the world what she is really made of. I believe she can do it and keep her power. All woman with powerful outlets can make a difference in the world without the use of their body. We should own that. MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS US ALL 🙂

    1. Oooogh! Thanks Barbara! I was looking forward to a real ‘Bible thumping’ Christian reply and yours was beautiful and I know said with passion and integrity (and I don’t mean ‘Bible thumping’ in a facetious way).

      So I have some questions. Do you think the cat calling would stop if all women dressed modestly though? I was saying to someone on another post that I have a picture of a man fingering a woman’s bottom in a crowded market and she is a Muslim woman completely covered in a chador. Plus the fact that men have raped nuns? So do you really believe that HER nudity or any other woman’s takes away your power or maybe just creepy men?

      Your argument that Ms K could do better things. Could she though? Her ticket to fame was a sex tape? Is there evidence that she could do better things and what do you suggest those things are?

      And finally, what would Jesus be forgiving her for?

      1. lol, I don’t do the bible thumping thing sorry. You are asking me what would Jesus do in this case. Jesus would forgive her for sinning with her body. Jesus would use his words to change her heart, simply put he would teach her to love herself and walk with him. But you could read your bible and know this. I can’t tell you if the catcalling,raping or anything would stop, but the Jesus way teaches people how to treat each other. If you subject yourself to these kinds of negativity your life will succumb to negativity and distress. Without the knowledge and understanding of The Lord you are bound to fall for anything. It is unfortunate that woman suffer from these horrific abuses.Portraying a woman’s naked body all around the world for flavor does not honor us, nor does it keep us safe. Yes, I believe Mrs. West could do better with her life. She’s a beautiful powerful woman she could do and be anything she wants as you can see. Why negative? Try positive. It doesn’t matter where she came from, she’s still here and everyday given another chance to get it right.

      2. ‘lol, I don’t do the bible thumping thing sorry.’ Don’t ruin the simplified picture in my little brain! 🙂 Okay swap Bible thumping for ‘passionate.’

        I’ve read the Bible – I wanted YOUR take.

        Yes I suppose you’re right she COULD do anything she wanted to do, why not? Models, singers and actresses have become designers and spokespeople for charities. Thanks for that.

  4. She is simply the modern day Betty Page/Marilyn Monroe. Sex symbol, icon, aspiring fashion blah blah blah. It’s tame. People choose to put on their blinders and ignore the world. When it shows up on their doorstep they act like the roof’s caving in. The less attention it’s given the less they’ll see. Go ahead, shut your eyes. Better to inquire of her actual reasoning, which is obviously attention and fame. Seems fairly straight forward.

  5. I’m thinking of producing erotic art next year, so I think it would be hypocritical of me to be too hard on Ms Kardashian. Honestly, I’m at the point of thinking that this is what it is, and if one doesn’t like it then one needs to move on and find one’s happiness elsewhere.

    However, this is not to say you haven’t raised some salient points here. One hand, I dislike the idea that someone who got famous for a sex tape could represent all of us as a society, but then perhaps we all get what we deserve? I don’t know.

    And as I’m ill equipped to speak from the point of view of a black person, a feminist, or a parent, I’ll instead touch on this as an artist, blogger, and ex-Christian. Okay, so here goes…

    As an artist, I’m cool with it. I’m not bothered one bit, except perhaps from an aesthetic angle. I do hope that her waist hasn’t been airbrushed smaller because how much more amazing would she have looked if it hadn’t? Sexy amazing, I’m thinking. (The pun was awesome by the way!)

    As a blogger, I get why images like this are used. I’m neither here nor there about it as I’m just doing my own thing, and I’ll be doing even more of it with the aforementioned rudey drawings. I’m curious to see if I’ll get more attention that way, which will be most welcome of course, but hardly the reason as I’ve always wanted to try my hand at visual erotica anyway.

    As an ex-Christian… well, I don’t know. Jesus actually hung out with the outcasts of society such as prostitutes, lepers, tax collectors, etc. Looked at from that angle, I would imagine that Ms Kardashian hardly qualifies. But hey, what do I know? Jesus can hang out with whoever the hell he likes. The one thing I can still respect from my years as a believer is him. If he wants to get chummy with her then more power to him.

    1. I was thinking about the idea of democracy the other day and how we love it when it comes down on the side we want it to and the how frustrating it is when it doesn’t. Ms K’s popularity is indeed us ‘getting what we deserve’ because enough people like her or they would not sustain her career. That’s a democracy I guess.

      One look at any other pic of Ms K would inform you about her waist. Either it has been air-brushed or they caught just the right angle to make it look tiny. I don’t really have a problem with that. A woman should be able to choose how she presents herself, ‘flawed’ or ‘real’ might be a better term, or air-brushed to perfection. (And I know YOU don’t have an issue with that but it seems that quite a few women seem to.)

      I find my own Christian query a little strange because I don’t consider Ms K an outcast or a prostitute or even a tax collector as one commenter volunteered! I just know I guess that some Christians tend to have a knee jerk reaction to things to do with nudity, what women do with their bodies, sex and sexuality. I guess I wanted to explore that and get to the bottom of why that is for Christian or ex Christian individuals in particular.
      Always good to hear from you TS, (wow you have so many names! Lord Single, TS, Monsieur le Single,…) – the erotic art sounds interesting!

  6. As a feminist I hate the fact that she got rich and famous from making a sex tape. Her only talent seems to be that she looks good. And it’s annoying that the media seem to have deemed her relevant enough to plaster her picture all over newspapers and magazines every day!

    But then again, her picture made me click on this article. I can’t help having a sneaky read of the odd Kardashian article and (if there is absolutely nothing else on TV, haha) I can quite enjoy getting all judgemental through an episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians.

    I want to dislike her, but I just can’t and I think this picture kind of sums up Kim Kardashian’s attitude to life. She isn’t afraid of people mocking her or hating her and she doesn’t take herself too seriously. She does her “job” of keeping herself famous better than anybody. And it does annoy me that because she is very curvy it seems to shock people more than when skinny girls do naked shoots. If it was Cara Delevinge or Keira Knightley would more people find it “artistic”? Probably.

    Apart from the fact her waist may have been airbrushed smaller (not cool!) I don’t get why it is any more shocking than 90% of the pop videos churned out. Until we as a society , myself included, find Kim Kardashian boring and irrelevant, she is doing nothing illegal, nothing worse than a lot of other celebc, she’s just better at cashing in on it all.

  7. Wow! Great discussion starter!

    Hhhmmm let’s start with #6–“Breaking the Internet” could serve my purpose as a blogger as well as every other blogger; however, I think it would depend on what the “breaking the internet” idea/concept/pic was.

    #7–As a Christian, I think Jesus would def hang out with Kim. I mean get me her number and my wife and I will hang with her. I can picture Jesus having great deep insightful conversations with Kim (Look at me thinking I am on a first name basis with Kim Kardashian). But Jesus being at the photo shot…I don’t imagine that happening.

    Jesus was a master at upsetting the religious elite. He forgave sins, healed people, cared for prostitutes, etc. He also talked about lust and its dangers.

    The conservative crowd would never get behind it–and the liberal crowd would most likely be split.

    If i was invited to the shoot, I would pass.

    1. Oh now that’s interesting. Along with most so far, I think JC would like KIm K just like He might like anyone else, but now I’m wondering would He have attended the shoot? Lol! I’m trying to think why wouldn’t He? It’s nothing He hasn’t seen before. But then He didn’t hang with tax collectors as they collected taxes as far I remember, so maybe not…?

      I think breaking the internet is just another way of saying ‘going viral’ but UBER viral.

  8. For me the main issue is airbrushing…why do the shoot and then have it airbrushed? Be proud of who and what you are! I like the kardashians but kim is my least favourite and im sick of her ass/body. Shes got a million and one ways to make money so why use just your ass? Bored!

    1. Thanks tonibear1415. This is special I’ve met someone who admits to liking the Kardashians! 🙂

      I mean millions MUST like her but I only come up against people who appear not to.
      Out of interest, would you take pictures to highlight your flaws?

      1. I dont take pictures well anyway so never look my best. I certainly wouldnt change them. For example on my wedding day i had a massive spot on my cheek and its clearly visible on the photos but i wouldnt change it. Im an insomniac so dark circles and bags are the norm. My teeth arent straight…the list goes on!
        Being anorexic i have lots of boney bits that stick out but again, wouldnt change it.
        The thing with the kardashian girls is, they are very pretty without enhancements so i dont know why Kim feels the need to make herself look like a shiny plastic doll?!

      2. Okay, interesting. Thanks tonibear1415. One thing I might say is that the pressures of being an international icon / star – especially as a woman, are somewhat different to having one’s photograph taken for personal use. This might go some way to answer your question.

      3. Surely thats the point though…they have women look to them for guidance/inspiration, and if all they see is perfection, isnt that telling them to be perfect themselves, that flaws arent allowed? Surely these stars should show themselves as they really are?

      4. Oh absolutely, but that is their choice to do so, not ours. Would you like it if I insisted that you are my role model and then told YOU what you should have to wear and how to behave to perform this role you didn’t even ask for?

        The gaze on them is misdirected. They are not ‘good’ role models in that sense. The fact that women choose them to be is their own look out.
        If you ate something that was bad for you would you just keep going back to eat it? If you would the problem lies with YOU not these celebrities.

        Don’t follow people who harm your self esteem and self image. It’s not hard. Despite seeing her and her family in the sidebar of every major outlet every single day I have managed to trundle along for more than a year without clicking an article with Kim Kardashian in it and I guarantee you that I’m on the internet more than 95% of most women. And this is not from any particular dislike of them either.

        There are 3 cures:
        1. Take ownership of your own behaviour. (Folks in general not you personally).
        2. Find better role models. Jamie Lee Curtis is one who has not had plastic surgery. Or find the numerous younger actresses who are more interested in cultivating their skills than altering their bodies for stardom like Carey Mulligan (at least so far!)
        3. Stop reading magazines and watching programs that abuse your intelligence.

        People need to stop going to brothels claiming they are looking for virgins.

        But what I actually meant, having been on that side of the camera, is that Ms K will likely have enormous amounts of pressure on her from agents, advertisers she promotes, TV production companies, the public, possibly family and the media to look ‘perfect’ as you say. It is no longer a whimsical decision to wear Uggs or not wear Uggs that day. That, (amongst other things), is how she made her name. Can you imagine if she now went out less than? Her empire would eventually start to crumble. This is what I’m referring to when I say that to take a pic that satisfies you is not quite the same when your earnings and lifestyle rely upon the way you look.

      5. I try! I have a post I have been pondering for a while about this role model thing and women’s view of ‘perfect women’ – I wasn’t sure if it would be mean spirited but, on the other hand I think a lot of women think the way you have suggested and it might be useful so I think I may work on it. Watch this space! 😉

  9. I think we just like having people we can sneer at and feel superior to. I’m a Christian. Yeah, JC did hang out with sinners (but everyone sins) so I’m not really sure what Christianity has to do with these pics–unless you’re saying all Christians are hypocrites and prudes which is quite the generalization.

    1. Yes. I am.
      Lol! No. Clearly Christians will look at this from a perspective that a non Christian would possibly not. How do I know this? Because most Christians that I speak to or know view events through the eyes of their faith.
      Most Christians that have commented here before on similar issues have viewed the subject directly through the eyes of their faith.

      The other thing being, that of course many Christian folk have a thing about sex and nudity! Maybe you don’t but let’s not be coy.

      To say that you represent the views of all Christians would indeed be the generalization and would not be true hence I would like to hear Christian views…plural.

      1. I think I’d have a pretty big god complex if I thought I represented all Christians. Lol. Just because some Christians have commented on your blog doesn’t mean they are a true representation of most Christians–only a small segment of opinionated blogging humans.

        There’s a stereotype of Christians (maybe from watching too many Simpsons episodes and assuming every talking head Christian on TV somehow represents the huge mass of Christians quietly going about their lives) that I find pretty simple-minded.

        Why not ask the Muslim community how they feel about female nudity? Oops don’t want to be offensive to the Muslims or Hillary Clinton will blame a botched arms deal in Benghazi on you.

        Christians are the easy target. Yes, there are some who loudly say the Western Judeo-Christian culture (which has produced some of the great masterpieces of art and literature) is going down the tubes, but so do a lot of other people.

        I think the Kim K thing is a non-issue because if people knew anything about art history they would realize that we all like a beautiful body. Kim’s got one. In the past when artists painted nudes they idealized the models they were painting (early form of photoshop). Take a look at Ingres’ painting Odalisque. There’s no way a woman’s body bends like that.

        This has nothing to do with Kim’s personality or lifestyle. People get upset with frontal nudity? I checked out the photo and thought it was a beautiful image. As a Christian I think God is a great artist.

        Modesty is another issue. Feminists want it both ways. They want to protest misogyny by walking around topless (these protests actually make women look like spoiled morons). They blast people who think it might be better for men and women alike to be more modest (maybe it would cut down on the rampant sexually transmitted diseases on college campuses if people kept their clothes on). But then when women take ownership of their bodies (maybe making some cash while they’re at it) then everyone gets pissed.

        Like I said earlier. People just want scapegoats. They like to feel superior when in actuality we’re all egotistical, selfish fools. I say this while still loving humanity. If Kim wants to explain to God and her son West why she shared her body with the world that’s her thing.

        Why we all obsess over it is our problem (or pathetic form of entertainment).

        Also, can we stop calling mothers “moms” ? Am I the only person who hates how this cutesy way of speaking about motherhood has taken over? Yeah, I sometimes make brownies and suffer through badly played high school sports but I hate when women refer to themselves in that simpering “we’re all just moms” voice.

      2. I grew up with Christian values. I spent a great deal of early life in convents. I wanted to know how other Christians felt. My views on Christianity and Christians therefore are first hand, not from the Simpsons or talking heads.
        I have also asked Muslims questions that I want answers from Muslims on. I have also asked black people, white people, bloggers, mothers, fathers, men, women…as fits the subject or my curiosity.

        I’m glad you think the Kim K thing is a non issue, apparently for a great deal of the rest of the world it isn’t. She had the world talking about HER nudity regardless of how much nudity that has been seen before.

        I do not believe merely talking about someone – especially someone purposefully in the public eye who welcomes the attention – is scapegoating or feeling superior about them. Or as a blogger interested in pop culture am I to somehow pretend this event never happened, or minimize it’s impact for some completely strange reason?

        I also think it interesting that you say that the opinion of one or few Christians does not represent all and yet you then appear to suggest that all feminists have one view point by lumping them all together in your statement about them. ‘Stereotype’ I believe you said earlier in your comment.

        No we can not stop calling Moms Moms. You can if you want to.

        Thanks for the visit. Enjoyable as ever.

      3. I’m going to start an unsuccessful movement against the use of the word mom unless you are saying it to your own mother as her title.

        You got me on the generalizing all feminists. Forgive me that.

        I understand that if you want lively debate you have to go to where the feeding frenzy is. Almost everyone has strong opinions about stuff that doesn’t really matter. It’s where dumb (uninformed) people can feel safe and smart.

        Do you really not already know when you ask about Kim K what certain groups will say? It’s a non-issue because we already know what the usual suspects are going to say.

        I stand by my opinion that we all love building people up to tear them down. On Palm Sunday JC was God but a week later he was crucified.

        Not saying Kim K is God, just that human nature loves the feeding frenzy and feeling superior. Any power Kim K has, we give her. I question whether there is a reason to talk about pop culture. (of course I still talk about it). What would life be like if we didn’t love gossip?

        All the best!

      4. Nope I don’t call my Mom Mom to her face but I started calling her ‘Moms’ when talking ABOUT her from when I lived in Brooklyn. It just became habit picked up from the Brooklynites. Good luck with the movement!

        I do not go where the feeding frenzy is or I’d have had many articles on Ms Kardashian and people like her before. When I wrote MY article there WAS no frenzy yet. I go where my own interest lies or where I think my audience will have interest. For evidence just take a peek at my categories.

        People have strong opinions about stuff that doesn’t really matter and stuff that DOES matter…and? That’s what makes people dumb? Having an opinion on fluff occasionally?

        You really love calling people dumb / simple minded etc don’t you? Well, whatever rocks your world but it’s hardly gracious or graceful.

        Nope I don’t know what folks / groups will say. I have enough humility and curiosity to admit that I do not know how people will respond to my questions which is why I ask them. I believe that my curiosity, open-mindedness and lack of assumption helps make me intelligent. It increases what I learn everyday when someone surprises me and it stops me stereotyping whole groups of people. This is why I ask people to ‘school me.’ I am quite happy to be taught…if someone is talking sense that is.

        That is where we are plainly different. I would not ever presume to know what other people are thinking, whatever group they are from. My travels and experience have taught me that generalising is lazy, I try to avoid doing it. People can surprise you. You can have a general perception and expectation of humanity but using phrases such as ‘the usual suspects’ just closes your mind and makes you write off whole groups of people unfavourably and often unkindly. I believe quite a lot of police forces have a habit of using this mode of thinking and the results of that are evident.

        I personally don’t like pulling successful people down because I know it is not easy to be successful in any niche, however easy it may look on the outside, although I would agree it is a trait that I have seen in general, more so in the UK, less so in the US.

        And good Lord, Lady MF what am I to do with you? Discussing pop culture is not automatically gossip. Gossip is gossip. I can’t really see gossip rags or fluffy minded reality show loving teens giggling over the implications of Ms K’s actions on the black community or politicising it from the feminist angle or querying her impact on impressionable young girls. Jeez.

      5. I’m not being serious when I call people dumb. Joking through comments never turns out well for me. So here I am apologizing again. I should have explained that I was including myself in the dumb references. I get caught up in pop culture, too. I don’t see myself above it. My point is that we’re all dumb sometimes and that Kim K only has implications for the culture if we let that be the case.

        Did you ever have one of those days when everything you say comes out more aggressively than you meant it? Yesterday was one of those days for me. I was feeling annoyed by people (myself included) and questioning where our interests tend to lead us.

        What I meant by usual suspects is that whenever I read comments on any hot button issue there’s always the stock arguments that show up. That doesn’t mean I think that people can’t have original and interesting thoughts but when discussing Kim K it’s as if people are using a teleprompter (not your commenters, but elsewhere).

        I think talking about Kim as if she gets to decide what our teens will do is sad because that’s what parents, teachers etc should be for. As parents (I am one) I feel (myself included) that we’ve been “dumb” to allow our kids to use cell phones (as if it keeps them safe) , we’ve foolishly let our kids be raised by electronics and social engineering programs taught at schools.

        It doesn’t come across through comments but I was using the word dumb lovingly. I guess my Jersey girl habits run deep.

        Reading over my comment, I was too hard on you about the feeding frenzy thing–though I think anything to do with controversial celebrities automatically becomes one. I’m sure you don’t sit there rubbing your hands waiting for the next frenzy to occur.

        My mom (I mean, mother) always said if you’re talking about people you don’t really know and it’s not nice then it’s gossip. Gossip columns were big even in the 1860’s. I didn’t come up with the name 🙂

        I really enjoy your questions because it’s fun to think things through–I was a bit sloppy (and mean-spirited) in my thought process yesterday, so my sincerest apologies.

        Probably should stick to the past–I can’t insult dead people! 🙂

        All the best, dear Editor!


      6. ‘I’m not being serious when I call people dumb.’ Oh phew! Cos it didn’t tally with your avatar smile or your blog. It felt out of character, (at least what comes through via the internet!) Not that people can’t be dumb, or that we can’t hold them up for it, it’s just that you kept repeating it.

        The cellphone comment: I was only saying that the other day. I was actually one of the first civvies to have a mobile phone in the UK – way before it became ‘normal’ and even then I concluded that it was unnecessary and that if I gave a phone to a child it would be for safety only ‘Mom! ( 😛 ) come pick me up stuff!’ and not be connected to the internet.

        Don’t sanitize your comments too much though – who would I spar with?!

  10. I don’t understand why everyone is making a big fuss about these pics. The pics are fun, she has a nice body, but I don’t care beyond that, and I don’t particularly understand why anyone else would either.

    1. The Grio usually have a thing or two to say about these kinds of topics! Will check it out!

      Okay have read it. Yes there are many sides to this ‘simple’ image and yes I knew about Saartjie Baartman, but I don’t believe that makes Ms K the butt of some secret inner Black cultural joke or that people who did not know about Saartjie Baartman should be (rather snootily) derided for their lack of knowledge about her.
      There is nothing wrong with taking an image literally at face value and critiquing what is in front of you. There is nothing wrong with also using an image to inform people about it’s historical references.
      Thanks Pam. What is your take?

  11. I have not seen this picture!!!

    First… I’m a bit in awe that that can even be done

    Second… I personally dislike anything focusing only on the female body… as lovely as it is.

    Third… I think Jesus would hang out with Kim and He would hang out with me too!

  12. To think there are people calling her actions “feminist” is appalling. What’s “feminist” about it? That it was her choice to pose like this? What about the fact that her entire career is bent toward catering to male masturbatory fantasies? Isn’t that the anti women-are-more-than-boobs-and-vaginas mindset feminists have worked so hard to cultivate?

    Ugh. Here’s my full rant: http://sbethcaplin.com/2014/11/13/naked-butt-pictures-and-real-feminism/

  13. First comment….SHAME! that poor girl…I can only feel immense sadness and pity for her. Imagine being so desperate to be noticed that you will stoop to this level, abandoning all of your self respect, allowing your own precious body to be used as some sort of joke, for all to see, and possibly laugh at, by stripping down, and then allowing photographers to photoshop your body to look totally deformed, so that you can ‘try’ to compete ‘butt wise’ with African people, who naturally have larger butts, that are beautiful, and no photoshop needed!

    Then there’s the pic with her butt holding the champagne glass! Are you kidding me? Not even the bushmen, who are KNOWN to have the largest butts in the world, could pull this off! So, Ms Kardashian has turned into the world’s clown, and fool. hmmm photoshopper needs a new career. I say this in all honesty and not with any malice, but the pics of her naked, are even worse….for the following reasons…

    There are really muscle y arms, (and we know she’s not a muscle girl, she’s carrying weight), and then there’s the false boobs, then there’s the huge photoshopped bum that looks deformed, and in her lack of self respect or any respect for herself at all, she has bared her waxed V JJ, like a playboy mansion ‘ho.

    So, to sum this up….Ms Kardashian you are a MOTHER! Behave like one, put your clothes on, and take back your power as a woman, (if you can after this). I do not believe very many will find you too sexy in these pics, and as a Mother myself, I find this garish behaviour vomit worthy. As a woman, it embarrasses me to know that I am of the same sex as her.

    1. Ha ha! My first thought as I saw your avatar…’Duck! Here comes a hurricane!’ Lol!

      Okay I get the ‘You are a mother’ bit. But does that mean that a woman who makes her living as a model – even a nude model, cannot, should not continue her job once she as a baby?

  14. As a mother, I don’t think I will pimp my daughters like kris Jenner had done. As a mother, I think KK has a great body- if you have it, why not flaunt it. As a mother, I will probably will not be thrilled if my son came home with a girl that has a similar family as the jKardashians. As a mother, I don’t think any of these people are role models. But I give them the credit for knowing how to market themselves for the sake of money and popularity. Now that’s talent 😳😁😫

  15. From a Christian blogger’s perspective, I totally think this is in poor taste! She is a mother now, and the message she is sending to her daughter is sad. As women, we don’t need to exploit our bodies for attention. I am currently blogging a self-love journey series in which I talk about loving yourself and being content with who you are as a woman! Kim definitely doesn’t respect herself or her family name. Her behavior may have given Kim a lot of wealth, but let’s be honest here, most people simply don’t respect her. I’d rather have respectful and quality content to attract my audience rather than this “breaking the internet” approach Kim and the magazine used. #JustSaying http://www.thecocsocialite.wordpress.com

  16. thanks for following me theeditorsjournal!

    I’ll speak on #5 and #7

    #5: I’m a dad, and my 3 children are all under the age of 5. As a parent, we do have some influence in who our children see as role models. If you thought Kim was a role model prior to the photos shame on you. I don’t know her personally, but do realize sex sells — she’s probably much more different when the cameras are off, but the I avoid having the camera personality serve as relevance in my household (before and after pics)

    #7: Nudity isn’t an end all in the bible. There’s an integrity issue obviously with the pics, but Jesus would more than likely be the first person to take her to a corner and offer advice.

  17. The Kardashian name is synonymous with meaningless living. A pointless, purposeless, foolish life lived before those who themselves are living in a likewise manner. I do not follow her, nor any of this nonsense, but I am well aware the damage it is doing…I hear it in the conversations of girls who idolize her and her family. In the past we had sex, drugs and Rock and Roll. Then all the old rock stars grew up, got old, mellowed, died. Now we have the fallout of it all…women who thinks power equals parading themselves as naked objects. Well this is nothing new. At all. So much for the feminist movement, of which I am not part of by the way. I just call it like I see it. And Kim, Rhianna…all of them do more harm to women, men and culture overall than politicians, by cheapening and glorifying that which should remain unseen. Not so much the body itself on display but the objectifying of the female body.is my thought…it is all tragic.IMHO.

  18. This is simply effective marketing. For celebrities, exposure is the name of the game, and Kim certainly has a lot to show. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, just that things need to be put into the correct perspective when it comes to public figures doing things they (or others) hadn’t yet done (because, really, that’s all there is to fame). She’s never claimed to be the next Mother Theresa—in fact, I think she’s made her public image’s purpose quite clear. I do have to say that, while personal empowerment seems to shine bright in exuberant amounts of baby oil, feminism is not what this shoot could be about.

    1. Pretty spot on I think. Expecting Ms Kardashian to be a role model or Mother Theresa is like going to a brothel and complaining that there are no nuns there.

      (It’s not a sly suggestion that she is a whore either but I’m sure you get the analogy).

  19. Given the amount of attention this image has gotten in recent days, its seems quite the miracle that there are human beings with enough skills to land a 1 meter square probe on a comet traveling at 182,000 km an hour approximately 300 million miles from Earth. But we did. And that merits a great deal more attention than Kim’s derriere, impressive though it may be. I think Paper must understand now what Hugh Hefner experienced publishing nude photos of Marilyn and Larry Flynt realized when he published the notorious paparazzi pics of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

    1. Yes, it’s merely marketing. If the comet had similar or more skillful marketing, there would more than likely be more interest. Maybe we’ve come too far down the line with sex and women’s bodies to expect equal interest, but certainly there would be MORE interest.

      1. Precisely. The European Space Agency should have learned some lessons from the Apollo mission. Get some PR, and a little beef/cheesecake to go with your groundbreaking achievement in human development, and perhaps a more shapely beeping thing, then you’ll be more celebrated in the eyes of the media eye! There were some swarthy looking scientists in that control room. They could have been sporting more revealing fashions.

      2. Not even. The people involved with the first landing on the moon used skillful AND appropriate marketing and correct me if I’m wrong they all kept their clothes on! I don’t know I wasn’t around!

        I have no idea how firmly your tongue is in your cheek with your reply but without marketing you wouldn’t know about the device you are using to comment or even the WordPress you are using and there was no sexual / sexy connotation to acquiring knowledge about them.

        It would be at best naive to put any product or information out and expect people to come to IT just because it is supposed to be more profound than Ms K’s butt. Wouldn’t you agree?

      3. I don’t think 1969 relied on what we term as marketing in 2014.
        But there is one way that they are the same: media outlets, then as now, have a choice of what is worthy of their reader’s attention. Who feeds the Kardashians, the public or the media that feeds her info to the public? In the same year as the Moon mission, John Lennon and Yoko Ono raised the eyebrows, and hackles, of decent society by appearing nude on the cover their album “Two Virgins.” It was a scandal. Had those events coincided with each other, which merits the attention of the media more?

      4. It’s an interesting question that I asked someone else earlier regarding Marilyn Monroe’s death and the moon landing I think, can’t remember the second one exactly – too lazy (drunk?) to look right now.
        Who merits more coverage? I don’t know. I don’t even think the news outlets would know until 2 massive clashing events actually happen at once.

        Plus marketing is marketing, it doesn’t matter how subtle it is. The event still had to be ‘sold’ or spun positively to the public as an admirable thing worth every tax payer penny before any else could put a negative slant onto it, which granted was far easier in those more gullible and trusting days. Is it different to today? Sure. The whole media and mediums of news dispersal are different.

  20. I was thinking this would show up on here eventually. Just Yuck. Yuck that someone feels the need to do this. Yuck that the media loves to do stuff like this. Yuck that we as humans participate. Yuck that we have no realistic perspective on what people are supposed to look like. Yuck that we even CARE about any of this.

    This is a person that makes her money off our lack of interest in the real things in life. Our need to be constantly entertained. She got what she wanted. She might even be disappointed that she didn’t actually BREAK the internet.

    Whether I’m female, Christian…whatever category you are looking for…shouldn’t matter. We put celebrities on pedestals and for what?? Maybe if we took control of our daily content intake, we’d have less junk filling up our minds and a better quality of life.

    1. Hello MMD! Lot’s of yucks! Let me go through each yuck as devil’s advocate.

      ‘Yuck that someone feels the need to do this. ‘ – How is this different from what is now regarded in lofty circles as highly valuable Renaissance art featuring Rubenesque, rotund and very naked bodies? e.g. The Birth of Venus by Boticelli? Or Adam and Eve by Cranach with lots of naked bottoms on display? Would you say ‘yuck’ to those classic paintings?

      Does there have to be a ‘need’ to create art or just a desire to be creative and push boundaries? Of course YOU don’t have to like it for it still to be classed as art. Indeed there may even have been an MMD writing ‘yuck’ with a quill back in the 15th century, but what say you today? What is bringing out the ‘yuck’ today?

      ‘Yuck that we have no realistic perspective on what people are supposed to look like.’ This I understand and agree, although technically we do if we just look around us and don’t rely on the media’s known false images. But I get your point.

      ‘Yuck that we even CARE about any of this.’ – Personally speaking, I don’t know that it keeps me awake at night any more than discussing GM foods or parliamentary elections does. It is merely one part of our pop culture that we are discussing. Tomorrow it will be someone or something else.

      ‘This is a person that makes her money off our lack of interest in the real things in life.’ – I don’t believe discussing celebrity froth and serious subjects are mutually exclusive for intelligent folk. Do you really think this?!

      ‘We put celebrities on pedestals’ – not me personally but ‘we’ as humans yes we do. We always have done though, right back into historical times, if that helps any. That in itself is not a new phenomena.

      ‘Maybe if we took control of our daily content intake, we’d have less junk filling up our minds and a better quality of life.’ – No doubt.

      1. “art” – I’m not judging whether it is art or not. I never said that. I’m judging the fact that it was purposefully titled “Kim Kardashian break the internet” or whatever. It’s purpose was to sell magazines. Could it be art? I guess. I didn’t say it wasn’t. I “yucked” the purpose, situation and the general idea behind it.

        “I don’t believe discussing celebrity froth…etc etc are mutually exclusive for intelligent folk…” – I never said anything about intelligence or a lack thereof.

        Again – all my opinion. It doesn’t have to be anyone else’s. 🙂

      2. The first bit? Got it.

        (And remember these are not accusations of any kind, I’m genuinely interested in what people think and why if they’re kind enough to tell me – and I think you know that but I’m just clarifying!)

        The second bit ‘‘This is a person that makes her money off our lack of interest in the real things in life.’ – Let me re-phrase as it’s not really a point about intelligence.

        You are suggesting that because folk talk about celebrity froth and she earns from it, they are disinterested in discussing or dealing with life’s more profound subjects? My query then was surely you do not really think that? As you, I and even just the people who come here are proof of that? We cover a wide range of subjects.

        Even if I religiously watched every one of her shows does that mean I can’t take interest in what is going on in Syria? You think Ms K really has that kind of power?

  21. I think the breaking the internet thing re blogging is interesting actually! It’s hard because obviously people would love to have others read their blogs. But it’s also tough. Because I write for me. Not for them. So yes I’d love to break the internet… but by coincidence that people just happen to like what I write. Not because I deliberately tried to write something that would break the internet. Like perhaps this photo may have done.

    1. Oooogh! Thanks for that SB.
      The truth is they are not mutually exclusive. Of course you can write for you. (By that I take it you mean write what you love, not write solely for YOU to read it privately?)

      You don’t have to write deliberately to break the internet. But there is rarely just coincidence involved where breaking the internet is concerned. If you write what you love OR deliberately try to break the internet you still have to promote it skilfully.

  22. I feel somewhat sorry for her and her entire family. To gain (and keep) the public’s attention, they have to be more shocking than their last photo, interview or show. Unfortunately, they will never really know real love – when someone cares for them and not their ‘celebrity persona’ or wealth. There will be that day when no one cares – then what?

    1. Hello Maria! I doubt that celebrities are the only ones open to the risk of relationships based on misleading or harmful agenda’s from potential partners. Also Kanye West has his own fame and money?

      Plus, let’s look at life in general. When you get a job and wish to progress up the ladder you have to consistently keep upping your game to get that promotion, so how are their lives different in that respect? School me.

  23. Meh. I’m over the Kardashians. I wouldn’t even take the time to comment, except uu always provoke some thinking in your blogs. I am a Christian and there are bigger things in this world (even bigger than her arse) that need and deserve attention. So aside from the curiosity of seeing what everyone was seeing, not a lot more thought about it here. As far as your “What Would Jesus Do” question…. I think you have to ask him. But my best guess is, He wouldn’t hate her, He would love her. And he would say, my Father created that booty (maybe not in those words). He never forces himself on anyone, so I can’t imagine him condemning her or trying to convert her. My best guess is that He would do what most of us have done; watch and patiently wait to see what happens. I do know that if she ever calls on Him, she’ll have a new friend. 😉

    1. Hey Nicie Lee! You raise some interesting points like how long will it take for the rest of the world to also say ‘Meh. I’m over the Kardashians?’ It got me thinking and you know what? I think it’s going to be some time yet, because the media needs them. – I mean REALLY needs them – and as a result they have deals here and there with various media outlets for constant features and promotions and everyone is happy – or at least those 2 parties are.

      You know why all this happened? Because a lot of so called talented celebrities e.g Hollywood actors mostly, were so stand offish and / or over protected by their agents that a newer kind of celebrity had to be invented to fill the gossip gaps. These new celebs had no hard earned talent to protect so they would do anything, go anywhere, do and say what they were told. And with the onset of 24 hour rolling online news they were needed to constantly keep the newspapers and blogs fresh.

      Even when a new reality or music celeb (less snootier than old school actors) emerges there will still be room for the Kardashians for some time, so I’m sorry to say that you will soon be mega-meh’d out!

      Now as for that booty I don’t think it would be fair to assign that creation to God as any pre Kanye West image will show you, but I think that you’re probably right, He’d like her! 🙂

      1. I agree the media frenzy will continue. The Kardashians are good at their game and they are feeding an appetite. I like to keep up with pop culture, it’s just never been something that consumes me. It’s kind of like a minor train wreck you happen upon and you have to watch and take it all in, mostly out of astonishment. It’s probably why i am entertained and can’t miss a slightly leas mainstream episode of “the real housewives of…” Trust me, it says a lot for me to offer a TV show storage space on my DVR. 😉 Meh….. I was over the Kardashians long ago. I’ve never been one influenced by the masses. But I have no disdain when they are mentioned (should i say often mentioned almost every sinfle day) in my morning radio show’s Hollywood top 5. I must admit….. It is a rather extra-large booty. Quite astonishing really. Hard to believe there’a not some photoshop going on!

  24. I feel sorry for this woman. First, because her backside is so much larger than her waist. Perhaps there is some physical condition that caused it? Maybe it’s time we started a charity marathon in support of whatever condition it was that left her disfigured like this. Or a colored ribbon campaign to help bring awareness to her plight. Second, I feel sorry for the person who took these shots. Being a bit of a camera enthusiast myself, I know how difficult it is to get a good shot with decent focus when you have such poor lighting conditions. There must have been tremendous amount of reflected light coming back to the camera from a surface area that size. I can only imagine the type of filters required to handle that much glare.

  25. “would He be at the shoot hanging with Ms Kardashian…’member the Bible and who Jesus chose to hang with there?” You’re not implying she’s a tax collector, are you?
    Frankly, I feel sorry for her – the whole world seems to be shouting that she has nothing else to offer.

      1. From a fiscal point of view, perhaps. If someone raised their daughter to believe that her only value lay in the enjoyment people could derive from her body, I do believe we’d call that child abuse – regardless of how financially secure it made her as an adult.

      2. Mis-guided, but child abuse?! How do you police that one? It would certainly have to be a big prison to house all of the media outlets in collusion!

        And neither would I say the benefits are just fiscal. She is doing what she apparently loves, having top designers make clothes for her, traveling the world, meeting all sorts of people, famous and not famous and getting paid for it. She is seemingly in love with her husband and has a beautiful healthy baby, beautiful homes and she and all her family are alive, healthy and prospering. Just fiscal? Many women (and men) would kill just for the ‘in love’ bit.

        As for how she raises her child, that would be being presumptive no? We don’t know how Ms K (with the influence of her husband don’t forget) raises her daughter when the cameras are off now do we? We can assume we know, but we don’t know.

      3. Actually, I wasn’t thinking of how she was raising her daughter (look! Mommy’s naked in the magazine!), I was thinking of her own apparent mind-set, and how that might have come to be.
        I hope she believes she will still be worth something when beauty fades and people don’t want to see her naked any more (although frankly, some of us are quite happy not seeing her naked already).

        As for the child abuse, if the media are raising your children, you are already Doing It Wrong.

        And you’re right, I don’t know how happy she is with her life, “seemingly” in love (again) or not. I just know that I wouldn’t want it myself. She is commodified, and her continued success depends on how well she sells – and keeps on selling.

  26. I think this image is horrible her arss is huge and not in a good way, she’s done some outrageous things in the past but this really over steps the mark, why did she think it would be a good idea to slap images of her naked overly oiled backside all over the media, what did she think was going to happen?

    1. Exactly what HAS happened varnishingpoint10! She becomes more famous, even richer despite not being paid for the shoot, has even more work opportunities thrown at her and makes an iconic image that will not be forgotten any time soon.

  27. I was quite shocked when I saw the image roaming the internet and popping up all over social media platforms! I do give her props for having her butt plastered all over for the world to see; I sure wouldn’t ever want mine to be anywhere for everyone to see. On the other hand, I do find it distasteful as she’s an iconic person that many people, look up to. Younger girls may find it okay to be posting such images online thinking it will make them look “good” or “sexy.”

    1. Thanks krystiencounters. Let me counter that. This phenomena is not new, it has been happening from Marilyn Monroe’s time and before i.e famous women inspiring young girls to behave a certain way. Is it not the lookout therefore of the parents to monitor who reaches their children, not the famous person?
      I’m sure people will say it can’t be done what with access to the internet etc and yet there are many strict christian parents who manage it and therefore get to mould their children’s minds before strangers do. What say you?

      1. I feel like it’s becoming harder for parents to control what their children see, and harder to influence them before outside things do. With technology these days, everything is easy to access. My sister for example, easily went behind my parents back at a young age and made a twitter, facebook, etc, in order to ‘fit in’ with her classmates. It is possible to influence your children, but it’s certainly harder with technology and the generation gap between parent and child and the different belief they both may have.

      2. Well yes absolutely, parenting is never easy. It’s possible but it requires a lot of thought and time on behalf of the parents. They might have to look at home schooling for example or be uber strict as some of the Christian families I mentioned.

        But as computers become essential as opposed to additional to education and the generation gap you mentioned gets wider it’s indeed going to be a tough one for parents.

  28. The family is appalling. I cringe when I see them in the news or on tv or even just in print. I feel sorry for the Simpson and Goldman families who got nothing from O.J. in civil court as his lawyers took all of his money, and this is what we get. All that is wrong with the rich is portrayed on their show. Instead of storming the Bastille and over throwing our oppressors, we sit and watch in horror/amazement their show on tv. If they are representative of our planet, aliens will keep passing by as Kardashians are proof that there is no intelligent life on this planet.

  29. Ummm, since when is a naked butt news? Didn’t Britney Spears do something similar on the cover of rolling Stone years ago? And that was in stores everywhere for kids off all ages to enjoy. There are so many butts hanging out there, I mean I have one I painted myself hanging in my bathroom. What’s one more? This one is just having a debutants ball because it was already famous before this arrival.

  30. I honestly think it’s no big deal. All your questions are valid, but there is no real discussion to be had about a capitalist doing what capitalists do. Making money with what they are working with. Even if it is photo shop. controversial? No. In the sense that the internet is littered with crap like this. In my opinion, this is exactly the distraction people are looking for.

    1. Okay the internet is littered with stuff like this. Why isn’t everyone talking about that instead?
      Clearly she has done / achieved? a different status to most. Anyone interested in sociology, anthropology, psychology and human behaviour is bound to ask…why?

      Thanks trughost.

  31. There’s nothing new to see here. Famous people like fame and that is how they are paid. There is no deeper meaning than that and if people in our society like this then there is no way to stop it. I think everyone is consenting to it.

    1. Okay, thanks Sulfen, although I would disagree that anything that has the kind of social impact these pictures have had is that simply explained away, otherwise anyone could do it and have the same impact.

  32. As a dad..And pls don’t hate me for saying this, But as a dad I’ve had it with the Kardashian’s desperate attempt for attention, there is such a thing as too much and it’s the last thing I want my daughter exposed to. :-\

  33. She has already posed nude for Playboy years ago. This isn’t exactly shocking. She’s practically showing every day anyway lol It’s a cute concept though.

  34. I says that she’s not “Black” she’s Armenian. I think it says something about our society in general today, when this is what breaks the internet and landing on a comet, doesn’t.

  35. “Are we all going to hell for allowing this to happen…?” Yes. And EWWW.

    Queen? She isn’t my queen, I barely know who she is.

    Breaking the internet? I’d much rather have the high regard of a few than internet breaking fame.

      1. She did the sex video….this points to desperation. Gravity and Time will push her out of the limelight eventually. >:D

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