57 thoughts on “Blogging – Get Noticed!

  1. Thanks for that great tip. I have been blogging for so long on the self hosted blog but I find it lost in ‘self’. No responses at all. People are just passers by. they read and walk away, and don’t bother to say anything back. I guess, it first starts from me.

    I will remember that for the future.

    1. The reality is that it is like that. To get maybe 5 responses you have to have maybe 10 to 20 times (or more) of that number flowing through because in reality a lot of people will just pass through.

      My suggestion? Don’t bin the self host. Build wherever it works for you the easiest, whether that is on a hosted platform, self hosted or a social network. All have their merits and I have seen all of them work for people. Once you’ve built that audience you can drive them to your self host as you wish. One foot in front of the other. Audience first.

  2. Clearly this is NOT an early bird comment 🙂 Thanks for this post though. Great tips. Congrats on ‘The Journal’. I just discovered you. I’m enjoying browsing your posts. Happy New Year!

  3. Very interesting- it’s funny how certain things that totally make sense and seem so obvious aren’t always the first things we would necessarily think to do. Thank you for posting this.

  4. Look forward to your wisdom on your new blog. I have only been on here for just over a week and I am learning some things from some bloggers and think I have done okay for someone who only came across this just over a week ago.

      1. Trust…I’m ready! Come on, it’s already 15 / love because you left off that link, plus…plus you conceded on the whole debate in general. Give it up! Don’t do this to yourself!
        (Don’t know if you’re a tennis fan and understand the scoring).

      2. now u are showing ur age 😛 ” hides ”
        lol and thats not everything stick around 😛 u’ll hear more lol thank u for the smiles

      3. nah u cant although u are slow 😛 i just got one question out of all the great sports u pick tennis whyyyy whyyyyyyyyy
        some battles can be sacrificed to win the war 😛

    1. Can’t tell you how many folks have blasted into the blogging stratosphere on that alone over the years Monsieur Le Single, not that you need it, your engagement with your growing community is already good.
      When you gonna get poor Ernest out of his black hole of depression for gawd sake?

      1. So many people have been asking me that, and frankly I’m grateful for the interest! I have a couple of strips written now so all I need do is draw them up and start Ernest’s journey back. Soon. Very soon. 🙂

    1. Technically yes, although if I get your meaning I don’t just mean myself as an influential blogger I mean influential bloggers in the huge landscape of bloggers. But yes, we’ve talked before, I know your blog and I’m getting to know you. This is how normal acquaintances and friendships are made! 🙂
      If I were to be able to assist someone in any way, a request from someone I know and like has far more weight than someone I don’t know.

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